Get Involved

At Liberate we love inclusion – which means getting the LGBTQ+ community, friends, families, allies, and the wider Bailiwick community involved in all we do!
If you’d like to get involved, you could volunteer, campaign, fundraise, host events, or more. Does that sound like your kind of thing…

  • Supporting the Bailiwick's LGBTQ+ community

    One of Liberate’s main reasons for existing is to ensure that LGBTQ+ folk feel included in island life.

    We could not have achieved so much without public support and we are endlessly grateful to everyone who has been part of our journey!

    If you want to help support the LGBTQ+ community, or support us to do so, then here’s a few ways how:

    Feel free to ask us any questions about how you could get involved the Bailiwick's LGBTQ+ community!

    Contact us here!